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Live Streaming Content Plan To Help You Reach Your Goals

By Admin | 09 May,2022 | 6 minutes, 18 second


In recent years, live video streaming has surged, with 1.1 billion hours in 2019 and 27.9 billion in 2020 — a 78.5 percent raise. Now is the moment to start live streaming if your company hasn't already. With so much existing material competing for viewers' attention, simply stepping in and creating live videos may seem intimidating. However, if you approach live streaming intelligently and build a plan, you may attract your target audience and meet your marketing objectives.

Don't know where to begin with your live streaming content strategy? This guide was created to assist you.

What are the benefits of having a live streaming content strategy?

Your approach to leveraging live videos to meet your marketing goals is your live streaming content strategy. It's also about meeting your specific live streaming objectives and establishing a connection with your intended audience. You may create a content plan to carry out your strategy once you know what it is.

Your live streaming content plan is an important aspect of your entire marketing strategy, whether you're an individual influencer or a small corporation. Whether it's attracting more leads, raising brand awareness, or closing more sales, the live content you create should directly support your marketing objectives.

The first benefit of planning your live streaming content ahead of time is that it allows you to stay organized. If you're attempting to operate a business, you probably don't have time to focus on marketing, therefore your content is either subpar or doesn't meet your objectives.

Additionally, you can:

  • Make consistent posts and hold yourself or your team accountable.
  • Boost productivity by focusing more on operating your business.
  •  Improve the creative process by giving yourself more time to come up with live content ideas.

How to Make a Content Strategy for Live Streaming

1. Figure out who your target audience is and what your main message is.

For whom are you producing content? What are you attempting to convey to them? Use the demographic information you already have about your target clients to direct your video content. Take some time to visualize the type of person who will watch your video if you're not sure who your target audience is or what you're trying to express. Consider the following questions:

  • What are this person's hobbies and interests?
  • What is this person's age?
  • What are the questions or issues that this person has that you would like to address or solve?
  • What would you talk about if the two of you had a conversation?
  • What city does this guy reside in?
  • What is this person's occupation?

Consider the difficulties you're attempting to solve for your audience when determining your main message. Even if your live streaming is purely for pleasure, each video should contain a key message, core values, or main topics.

2. Create a content outline

Your content plan's backbone is your target audience and main message; now you can start thinking ideas. For some, coming up with ideas is the most enjoyable aspect of the process, while for others, it is the most arduous. Here are some live video content ideas to get you started:

  • Live interviews or Q&As: Conduct an interview with someone from your firm or invite an industry expert to appear on your live stream. You can also host a live Q&A session by responding to queries from followers.
  • Product introductions: Are you launching a new product? Do a live product launch to provide all of the details, including how to utilize it, to your potential customers.
  • Live tutorials: Demonstrate how to execute a task, navigate industry-specific software, or use one of your goods for your audience. During the stream, viewers can use the live chat feature to ask questions.
  • Giveaways and contests: Create excitement by holding a contest or awarding a reward. Make it a lead magnet by requesting that participants join your email list. Show viewers a "day in the life" at your company or in your studio with a behind-the-scenes video.
  • Coverage of the live event: Attend an industry event and live-blogging it. 

You can customize these formats to fit your brand's demands, resulting in content that is unique to both you and your audience.

3. Decide on a video platform and length.

You may now live stream on several different platforms. Live video is available on all of the major social networking sites, and there are some sites dedicated solely to live to stream. After you've determined the format of your content, you'll need to decide which platform to broadcast it to.

In terms of video quality, length, number of followers, bitrate, and other factors, each live streaming site has slightly different standards. Each one has its own set of monetization choices. Knowing where your live videos will go is an important element of creating a content strategy. You can multistream with Restream if you don't want to stick to just one platform. With Restream, you may connect to over thirty of your favorite live streaming providers. Go live simultaneously on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

4. Determine the best frequency and time.

The optimal times to go live and how often to go live are frequently debated. Knowing when to go live requires understanding your audience - when are they most likely to watch? Other things to think about when planning your live stream include:

  • What level of involvement do you want your audience to have?
  • Whether or whether you have a call to action
  • When your competition begins to live, the device you want people to watch it on The time zone your viewers are in
  • Observations gleaned from prior live streaming
  • What works best for you daily?

When it comes to the frequency of your live stream, you should strive for at least once a week. The frequency with which you stream is determined by the format of your show, which may lend itself to daily or weekly streaming.

5. Create a live content schedule.

Make a timetable once you've figured out when and how often you'll be streaming. Fill it with the content ideas you've already brainstormed, and all that's left to do now is write the material. You can arrange a live broadcast in advance and promote it on social media using a program like Restream Events. Restream will create a URL for your event that you can distribute across your social media networks, and all your viewers have to do is click it when the stream is set to begin.

If going live makes you nervous (which we understand), you can compose an edited video and schedule it to go live using Restream Events. Uploading is as simple as that.

Let's tie things up now.

It shouldn't be tough or intimidating to create a live streaming content strategy. It should, on the contrary, make achieving your marketing objectives easier. To summarise, the steps to creating a content plan are as follows:

  • Find out who your target audience is and what your main message is.
  • Make a list of content ideas.
  • Decide on a platform and video duration.
  • Decide how often and when you'll stream.
  • Plan out your material.

You'll have an organized content plan in no time if you follow this advice!

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