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Capture Your Presentation on Google Slides by Recording Yourself

By Admin | 29 March,2023 | 2 min,58 sec


Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to give a presentation, but you can't be there in person? Maybe you're travelling, or you're just unable to make it to the meeting. Whatever the reason, there is a solution - recording your presentation on Google Slides!

With online presentation creators like Google Slides, it's easier than ever. Yes, now you can create engaging and informative presentations that can be accessed from anywhere. And with screen recording software like AppScreenRecorder, you can easily capture your Google Slides presentation. And yea, you can share it with others! 

Let me tell you how to get started:

Step 1: Create your Google Slides presentation

The first step is to create your presentation using Google Slides. If you're unfamiliar with this tool, it's cloud-based presentation software. You can understand it as an online presentation creator. And Google Slides allows its users to create and edit presentations online. 

Ultimately, You can use Google Slides to create everything.  from basic slideshows to more complex presentations. Here you are also allowed slides with animations, videos, and interactive elements.

Once you've created your presentation, rehearse it a few times. Also, ensure that everything flows smoothly and that you're comfortable with the content. This will help you feel more confident during video recording.

Step 2: Go For AppScreenRecorder

Next, you'll need to install a screen recording software like AppScreenRecorder. This tool lets you record everything on your screen, such as your Google Slides presentation.

The fantastic thing is that it's a free online screen recording tool. It is easy to use and offers a variety of recording options. Such as video recording, live streaming and webinar recording, and office meeting capturing and tutorial recording tools, all you can do with it. To start, visit the AppScreenRecorder website and click the "Start Recording" button.

Step 3: Start recording your presentation

It's time to start recording your presentation. To do this, open your Google Slides presentation and click the "Present" button in the top-right corner.

Now switch back to the ScreenRecorder window and click the "Record" button. You'll see a countdown timer, and then the recording will begin.

As you're recording, make sure to speak clearly and at a steady pace. Try to maintain eye contact with the camera. This is a trick to create a more engaging and personal experience for your viewers.

Step 4: Save and share your recording

Finished recording? Now you can save and share it with others. Stop the recording in ScreenRecorder and then save the file to your computer. Here you also have a cloud space to keep your recording protected there. It's going to be an amazing experience to Record Google Slides online! 

From there, you can upload the video to various platforms, such as YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive. You can also share the video with others via email or social media. 

Record Google Slides online is a great way to create a professional and engaging presentation. And yes, it can be accessed from anywhere. Great! No?  You will find it unique all the time. Whether you're presenting to a small group or a large audience, using screen recording software like AppScreenRecorder can help you capture your message and share it with others.

Wrapping Up

So, if you're looking for an easy and effective way to give a remote presentation, give Google Slides a try. And don't forget to check AppScreenRecorder websites for capturing your PC screen for free. 

However, with these powerful tools, you can create and share presentations. That's how you make an engaging and informative screen record for your audience, no matter where you are. 


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