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Mac Screen Recorder
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Screen Recorder?
How to share recorded videos in MacOS by using a screen recorder app?
How to enable the facecam in Macos while recording/capturing video ?
How to record your full MacOS screen by using a screen recorder app?
How to Mirror & Record Macos by App Screen Recorder?
How to use a video editor to edit the video through App Screen Recorder?
6 steps to capture selected areas of your screen by screen recorder app?
How to enable audio recording while capturing video on Macos?
How to start live streaming on Twitch with a screen recorder app ?
How to Delete a Recorded Video on MacOS ? - App Screen Recorder
How to set the time-lapse speed of a recorded video in MacOS ?
How to Go Live using a Screen Recorder App?
How to add / create an account for Screen Recording App on MacOS ?
How do I trim recorded video on MacOS using the Screen Recorder App?
How to rename a saved video on Mac through App Screen Recorder?
How to add the pause banner during livestream?
How to edit saved screenshots?
How To Stream on GameSee? (Android)
How can we rename saved videos?
Where can user's share their feedback?
How can we add an account in Screen Recorder?
How can we delete recorded videos?
Can we start countdown timer before recording?
How can we record interactive video?
How to add overlay frames during live streaming?
How to remove surrounding sound while recording video in Screen Recorder?
How to go to settings in Screen Recorder app?
How to enable YouTube Live Streaming in Screen Recorder App?
How can we delete images uploaded on cloud?
What if we don't want floating button on our home screen?
How can we save recorded videos?
How to use the floating button?
How can we get to know about features of your application?
How to draw text on screen while Recording with Screen Recorder app?
How to Remove Watermark from your Video Recording?
How can we view images uploaded on cloud?
What happens if we click long on floating button?
How to install Screen Recorder on your mobile?
How can we set frame rate?
Are there any charges for using Screen Recorder app?
How can we change the screen orientation?
How can we trim our recorder videos?
How to stream on multiple platforms (Multistream) ?
How can we pause the video?
How can we know about your other products?
How to add a Custom Watermark to recordings?
Find our application interesting, where can you rate us?
How can we enable/disable audio recording?
How to enable internal audio ?
How can we draw and create tutorials with a whiteboard screen?
How do I delete my Screen Recorder account?
How can we hide timing bubble?
How to go Live Stream with Screen Recorder App?
How to Stream On Twitch? (Android)
Where can we follow Screen Recorder?
Can we stop recording when you lock the mobile screen?
How can we upload recorded videos on youtube?
How to allow permission when using Screen Recorder?
How to access notification bar?
Can we share recorded videos?
What is bit rate and how can you change it?
What is the process of taking a screenshot?
How to enable and disable Facecam while recording?
How can we do video calling while using Screen Recorder?
How can we delete saved screenshot?
How to add graphics overlay during live streaming?
How can we view videos on cloud?
How to edit images and videos from phone gallery with Screen Recorder app?
How do we record screen using app Screen Recorder?
Can we change video resolution while using Screen Recorder?
How to edit images and videos from phone gallery with Screen Recorder app?
How to upload saved images on cloud?
Why do we need to add account in settings?
How do we invite our friends to use this application?
How can we rename saved screenshots?
How to Enter Text in a recorded video?
How to Record your screen using Screen Recorder App / iOS?
How to set an overlay frame for a livestream?
How to add Stickers in the recorded video using Screen Recorder App / iOS?
How to Delete a recorded video?
How to Trim a recorded video in the Screen Recorder App?
Can you share the recorded videos using Screen Recorder? (iOS)
How to insert the pause banner while livestreaming?
How to change the speed of a recorded video using Screen Recorder App / iOS?
How To Stream On Facebook?
How to use the Facecam in a recorded video?
How to Go Live using Screen Recorder App?
How to Add Audio in a recorded video?
How to Rotate the recorded video using the Screen Recorder app?
How to add an account in Screen Recorder App?
How to Upload a recorded video to YouTube?
How to rename a saved video? (iOS)
How to Draw Text on recorded video using the Screen Recorder app?
How to record Voice while recording a video using the Screen Recorder?
How to Merge video in Screen Recorder App / iOS?
How To Stream On Twitch / iOS ?
How to attach a reaction video to a video using Facecam feature?
How to get to know about the features of the Screen Recorder App?